VOCALOID Song: Artery
Original: Artery – AVTechNO! feat. 初音ミク
- Idea
- Based on the lyrics
(close one eye and gaze into the heart)消えてくひとつひとつの激情でさえ/確かな脈のひとつとなる
(even each fading passion/becomes one of the certain pulses) - and a rhythm similar to cardiac rhythm, created multiple versions of the composition.
- Based on the lyrics
- Rough
- The third version from the left was chosen as a rough. A silhouette was designed for interlocking hair.
- The third version from the left was chosen as a rough. A silhouette was designed for interlocking hair.
- Base color
- The color palette and border pattern of the album cover illustration were referenced.
- The color palette and border pattern of the album cover illustration were referenced.
- Rendering
- Added raindrops and improved the structure of the shoulder and neck sections. Determine the visual of the final version.
- Added raindrops and improved the structure of the shoulder and neck sections. Determine the visual of the final version.
- Lineart
- Slightly changed the structure of the face as well as the hair accessory.
- Slightly changed the structure of the face as well as the hair accessory.
- Adding filters, changing the shape of raindrops
- PULSE - AVTechNO! Album Cover
- The shape of raindrops: Villermaux, E., & Bossa, B. (2009, July 20). Single-drop fragmentation determines size distribution of raindrops. [Figure]. Nature Physics. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Emmanuel-Villermaux/publication/202846649/figure/fig3/AS:281243615809536@1444065111420/Topological-changes-of-falling-drops-and-fragmentationTop-row-series-of-events-of-the.png
- Sinus Rhythm: Tribhuvanam, S. (2020). Analysis and classification of ECG beat based on wavelet decomposition and SVM. [Figure]. Indian Journal of Science and Technology. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343159983/figure/fig1/AS:916450009161729@1595510117481/Features-of-normal-sinus-rhythm.ppm